NEIGHBORHOOD SECURITYWe have several programs in place to maintain and improve the safety of Sherwood Forest. To learn more about any of these, use the sections below. |
When compared to private security services in other neighborhoods, the Sherwood Forest Patrol is unique for several reasons.
The neighborhood, through the elected fifteen-member Board of Directors of the Sherwood Forest Association, contracts for the services of a professional security provider. Our driver patrols exclusively in the Sherwood Forest neighborhood.
This unique arrangement gives the greatest possible control to our resident members, while leaving the day-to-day operations to a highly efficient professional security service. We have found that this system works: crime is low in Sherwood Forest.
Our patrol drivers use a combination of marked and unmarked vehicles to patrol the neighborhood for a specified number of hours that is determined by our membership level. However, since our current security provider patrols in adjacent neighborhoods as well, a patrol driver is available to respond immediately to an emergency situation in any one of the neighborhoods on a 24-7 basis.
Because Sherwood Forest is a Special Assessment District (S.A.D), the patrol is paid for by funds collected by the city in your summer taxes.
Please contact Security at 877-218-1394
We continue to maintain a close working relationship between our neighborhood and the Detroit Police Department. We are providing names, responsibilities and phone numbers for some key members of the 12th Precinct.
1441 W. Seven Mile Road (first block west of Woodward)
(313) 596-1200
Commander: Duane Love
Community Relations: Sergeant Shirley Bledsoe (call between 9am and 5pm at (313) 596-1221)
Call 911 directly in the event of an emergency. Do not call the precinct.
The primary goal of this plan is to attract new homeowners to Sherwood Forest, but a related goal is to protect and maintain our unoccupied homes so they will be attractive to potential home buyers. This strategic action plan requires the active involvement of all residents to achieve these two goals: See a plan to protect vacant properties and a plan to attract new homeowners to Sherwood Forest.
Encourage residents to use our new email address to report on vacant homes,
NOTE: We recognize that many of our residents already have assumed informally the role of home monitor. We must formalize the process to make sure that every home is covered and that the SFA is getting up-to-date information on the status of our vacant homes.